Enhance Guest Stays with Wellness Amenities - Contact Us to Upgrade Your Property Today! 1(800) 485-5467
Enhance Guest Stays with Wellness Amenities - Contact Us to Upgrade Your Property Today! 1(800) 485-5467
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About Us

 Welcome to Recover Summit

"Recover Summit was founded on the principle that wellness should travel with you. Born from a blend of extensive health coaching experience and a passion for travel, we recognized a gap in the market: the lack of accessible wellness amenities for health-conscious travelers. Our solution? To equip hotels and rental properties with state-of-the-art wellness facilities, including saunas, cold plunges, red light therapy, and massage devices. Transforming any stay into a luxury wellness experience.

For hospitality owners, partnering with Recover Summit means not just elevating the guest experience, but also securing a competitive advantage in a crowded market. Our offerings are designed to integrate smoothly with your property, enhancing your appeal to a fast-growing segment of wellness-focused travelers. We provide full support, from installation to ongoing maintenance, ensuring that adding wellness amenities is hassle-free and profitable.

In a world where travelers increasingly seek accommodations that support their health and well-being, Recover Summit is your partner in innovation, helping to attract discerning guests and generate positive returns through superior wellness experiences. Let's work together to set new standards in hospitality, making wellness accessible and travel truly rejuvenating."

-Nick and Victoria, Owners of Recoversummit.com

As a couple-owned and operated enterprise, Recover Summit is deeply committed to delivering unparalleled customer service. Our team, distributed across the U.S. with roots in Long Island, New York, stands out for their dedication to excellence in service, setting industry standards in customer care. Our business model as an exclusive online retailer enables us to extend exceptional savings to our hospitality partners, ensuring that our top-notch wellness solutions are both accessible and cost-effective.

Understanding the unique needs of the hospitality industry drives us. Therefore, we ensure every interaction with our clients is informed, helpful, and tailored to meet the specific requirements of their properties. Whether you have questions about our products, need guidance on services, or seek clarification on policies, our team is readily available. We're not just here to answer your questions; we're eager to engage in meaningful conversations that help elevate your property's wellness offerings.

Let's connect to explore how Recover Summit can enhance your guest experience and give your property a competitive wellness edge. Your journey towards integrating health and wellness into your accommodations begins here.